Installing Updates on Windows Server systems using Ansible
29. April 2024
Automate Your Proxmox VM Deployment with Ansible
13. Juli 2024 As a Free Software company we also have to deal with Windows servers. Especially in the operation of these Windows server systems we try to use Free Software components on them. In this article we are going to explain a combination of Restic and Ansible to Backup a Windows erver system.
Restic is an Free Software product which provides fast, secure, and efficient data backup solutions. It supports various backends for storing backups, including local file systems, cloud storage services, and SFTP servers. Having features like encryption, deduplication, and incremental backups, Restic ensures that data is not only safely backed up but also optimally stored, reducing storage requirements and backup time.
Ansible is an automation tool used for application deployment, configuration management, and task automation. It uses YAML for its playbook scripts, making it easy to define tasks and ensure idempotent operations, meaning repeated tasks will produce the same results, ensuring consistency across environments. (Setting up Ansible is not scope of this article.)
Backup Strategy Snapshot or File-based?
Normally we use snapshot backups to reduce our system-wide recovery efforts. These snapshots capture the complete state of a system at any given moment, ensuring we can rapidly restore entire systems whenever necessary. However, we recognize their limitations for individual file or database restoration, which can become complex without tailored solutions, despite the adaptability offered by serval cloud platforms and for instance TrueNAS.
To address the need for more granular recovery capabilities, we integrate Restic into our backup strategy. Restic allows us to perform precise, file-level backups, enabling selective data recovery that complements our broader snapshot backup approach. With Restic, we enhance our data protection framework by adding a layer of flexibility and security, leveraging features like encryption and deduplication for efficient and secure data management.
That would mean we need to drive both, snapshot and file based backups. Lets focus on the Restic part.
Restic and Windows – VSS for Comprehensive Backups
Restic uses the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) in the Windows environment, enabling it to back up open and locked files seamlessly. This integration ensures that Restic can capture a consistent snapshot of the filesystem, vital for databases and services requiring uninterrupted operation. Having an automated management of VSS snapshots, Restic combines efficiency with thorough data protection.
Restic allows usage of features like encryption and deduplication well known on GNU/Linux on Windows, as well and it is able to handle the complexities of a Windows filesystem through VSS.
A Brief Note on Borg Backup
While Restic is tailored for cross-platform use with advanced Windows support, Borg Backup offers specialized efficiency for GNU/Linux and UNIX-like systems. Known for its deduplication, compression, and encryption, Borg provides a reliable backup solution where Windows support isn’t a primary concern, making it a strong option for non-Windows environments.
Restic Introduction
Next, we will explain the steps needed to configure Restic for using an SFTP backend, simplifying the process. More complex backends are imaginable for example you can also use S3 Storage like Minio. You can find a list on Restic-Docs
Here’s a guide to setting up Restic on Windows, along with steps to create a backup repository, perform backups, and restore data.
Setup Restic on Windows
Deploy Restic with Chocolatey
We use an ansible playbook also to install Restic. There are multiple ways to install Restic by using a package manager like Scoop or Chocolatey or by copying the binary from Github. We use an Ansible playbook to install Chocolatey and Restic at the same time.
# Deploy Restic on Windows
- name: Install Chocolatey and Restic
hosts: restic-showcase
gather_facts: false
become: true
- name: Install Chocolatey - a Windows Package Manager
win_shell: |
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
- name: Install Restic via Chocolatey
win_shell: |
choco install -y restic
The playblook can be executed as follows:
➜ ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini restic-install.yaml
[WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced, use -vvvv to see details
PLAY [Install Chocolatey and Restic] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Install Chocolatey - a Windows Package Manager] ***********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [restic-host]
TASK [Install Restic via Chocolatey] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [restic-host]
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
restic-host : ok=2 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Creating a Backup Repository
To provide a clear and detailed guide, the setup process is explained step-by-step through manual operations.
We’re focusing on a Windows Server 2022 environment that requires backing up to an SFTP server, which we’ve named datacart. Before we can establish the backup repository, it’s essential to generate an SSH key for authentication against our datacart server.
To begin: open PowerShell or Command Prompt on the Windows Server to follow the subsequent steps.
Create a SSH key on the Windows Server:
PS > ssh-keygen -t ed25519 Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\Administrator/.ssh/id_ed25519): Created directory 'C:\Users\Administrator/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in C:\Users\Administrator/.ssh/id_ed25519. Your public key has been saved in C:\Users\Administrator/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub. The key fingerprint is: SHA256:LVSjzmZIHG5sHXKW3oF9Inyl2bLljntFSG6krOTMfGY administrator@restic The key's randomart image is: +--[ED25519 256]--+ | o.++o.. | | + *=+==+ | | B.+=+Oo. | | + =o.+=+ . | | .*S.o... | | o*.Eo . | | +. .. | | .. | | .. | +----[SHA256]-----+
Transfer the public to the backup target:
We already have a predefined user on datacart named
.PS > cat .\.ssh\id_ed25519.pub |ssh rbackup@datacart "cat - >> .ssh/authorized_keys" The authenticity of host 'datacart (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:xFUeMRuhqAnT75s9UwX1VTwqvKusWcrc9eCZEOohMy0. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added 'datacart,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. rbackup@datacart's password:
Ensure the SFTP connection ist working
It is working when you are not prompted for a password anymore.
PS > sftp rbackup@datacart Connected to datacart. sftp> quit
Generate a random string
Restic is well known for its encryption feature to keep to data secure even if it is hosted in a area not well known by you. Hence, we create a random string which is being used as the encryption password for you backuped data.
PS > [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(32, 2) yG8mm7yd:p(7Ef}?2zF#4u0N/PXflz[G
Create the RESTIC_PASSWORD environment variable to carry the password. We use it only temporary to create the repo. Later it is known only by the Ansible server.
PS > $env:RESTIC_PASSWORD = "yG8mm7yd:p(7Ef}?2zF#4u0N/PXflz[G"
Initialize the Repository:
Let’s create the Restic repository.
PS > restic -r sftp:rbackup@datacart:windows init created restic repository e6c986d035 at sftp:rbackup@datacart:windows Please note that knowledge of your password is required to access the repository. Losing your password means that your data is irrecoverably lost.
The command will the repo named windows on the host datacart via the SFTP user rbackup. It reads the password from the enviroment variable.
Performing a Test Backup
Performing a test backup to your SFTP repository. Ensure $RESTIC_PASSWORD
is set.
PS > restic -r sftp:rbackup@datacart:windows backup C:\ --use-fs-snapshot
repository e6c986d0 opened (version 2, compression level auto)
no parent snapshot found, will read all files
creating VSS snapshot for [c:\]
successfully created snapshot for [c:\]
Files: 205650 new, 0 changed, 0 unmodified
Dirs: 59450 new, 0 changed, 0 unmodified
Added to the repository: 13.784 GiB (6.634 GiB stored)
processed 205650 files, 21.464 GiB in 16:51
snapshot a30e4628 saved
Due to the use of --use-fs-snapshot
Restic will create a native Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) snapshot.
Performing a Test Restore
To restore files from your backup:
List Available Snapshots:
Find the ID of the snapshot you want to restore:
PS > restic -r sftp:rbackup@datacart:windows snapshots repository e6c986d0 opened (version 2, compression level auto) ID Time Host Tags Paths ------------------------------------------------------------ a30e4628 2024-02-22 14:55:39 restic C:\ ------------------------------------------------------------
It did find a single snapshot which was created before.
Restore Files:
Use the snapshot ID to restore files:
PS > restic -r sftp:rbackup@datacart:windows --target c:\restore restore a30e4628:/C/Windows/System32/ repository e6c986d0 opened (version 2, compression level auto) [0:00] 100.00% 2 / 2 index files loaded restoring
to c:\restore Summary: Restored 16883 files/dirs (2.920 GiB) in 1:30 Due to the specification of a
--target c:\restore
Restic proove by itself if the target directory does exist, if not it will be created. Several methods do exist to restore a single path. One is to give the path right behind the snapshot ID.You can also proof the content of the snapshot by using the
option of Restic:PS > restic -r sftp:rbackup@datacart:windows ls a30e4628 repository e6c986d0 opened (version 2, compression level auto) [0:00] 100.00% 2 / 2 index files loaded snapshot a30e4628 of [C:\] filtered by [] at 2024-02-22 14:55:39.8986101 +0100 CET): /C /C/$Recycle.Bin /C/$Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-21-3884125958-3418005504-2446353653-1000 /C/$Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-21-3884125958-3418005504-2446353653-1000/desktop.ini /C/$Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-21-3884125958-3418005504-2446353653-500 /C/$Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-21-3884125958-3418005504-2446353653-500/$IP018UJ /C/$Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-21-3884125958-3418005504-2446353653-500/$RP018UJ /C/$Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-21-3884125958-3418005504-2446353653-500/desktop.ini /C/$WinREAgent /C/$WinREAgent/Scratch /C/Documents and Settings [...]
Bringing Ansible Into The Game
Leveraging Ansible in tandem with Restic on Windows provides an efficient and streamlined approach for managing backups across various systems. This integration allows users to benefit from centralized scheduling using tools such as Ansible AWX or Semaphore, facilitating the orchestration of backup operations from a single point of control. Additionally, the centralized management of Restic’s encryption keys enhances security, as the encryption keys are not stored on the target systems themselves. This architecture not only simplifies the backup process but also significantly strengthens data protection measures.
Introducing a Backup Script
We stripped down the backup script to show the procedure.
$resticRepo = "sftp:rbackup@datacart:windows/"
$resticPass = "yG8mm7yd:p(7Ef}?2zF#4u0N/PXflz[G"
$backupPaths = @("C:\")
function BackupPath {
param (
& restic -r $resticRepo backup $pathToBackup --use-fs-snapshot *>&1
$env:RESTIC_PASSWORD = $resticPass
foreach ($path in $backupPaths) {
Write "---"
BackupPath -pathToBackup $path
As evident, the encryption password is embedded directly in the script, which is not our desired approach. While transferring the script to the server would allow it to execute, this method necessitates managing the password individually on each host, which is impractical.
Creating an Ansible Playbook
Ansible offers the flexibility to run the backup script with a distinct set of parameters on each target host. We will store the repository and backup paths in Ansible variables. Additionally, we plan to utilize an Ansible Vault to securely store the Restic encryption password.
You can also replace the Ansible Vault with a key server (i. e. HashiCorp Vault) or any other technic to hold your secrets.
The following is executed in your automation environment.
- Creating the Ansible Vault:
➜ ansible-vault encrypt_string 'yG8mm7yd:p(7Ef}?2zF#4u0N/PXflz[G' --name 'restic_pass' > restic_pass.yaml
New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password:
You have to specificy a Vault password.
- Creating the Final Playbook
# Restic Showcase: Backup Windows Server 2022
- name: Restic - Backup Windows Server 2022
hosts: restic-showcase
gather_facts: false
become: true
- restic_pass.yaml
restic_repo: "sftp:rbackup@datacart:windows/"
backup_paths: ['C:\',]
- name: Execute Restic Backup Script
ansible.windows.win_shell: |
$resticRepo = "{{ restic_repo }}"
$resticPass = "{{ restic_pass }}"
$backupPaths = "{{ backup_paths | join('\", \"') }}"
$backupPaths = @($backupPaths -split ',')
function BackupPath {
param (
& restic -r $resticRepo backup $pathToBackup --use-fs-snapshot *>&1
$env:RESTIC_PASSWORD = $resticPass
foreach ($path in $backupPaths) {
Write "---"
Write "Backing up $path..."
BackupPath -pathToBackup $path
Write "$path backup completed."
register: restic_result
- debug:
var: restic_result.stdout_lines
- Executing the Playbook
You will be asked about the Vault password. Which can be automated as well which not scope of this article.
➜ ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini win-backup.yaml --ask-vault-pass
Vault password:
PLAY [Restic - Backup Windows Server 2022] ***************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Execute Restic Backup Script] **********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [restic-host]
TASK [debug] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [restic-host] => {
"restic_result.stdout_lines": [
"Backing up C:\\...",
"using parent snapshot f4264bc7",
"creating VSS snapshot for [c:\\]",
"successfully created snapshot for [c:\\]",
"Files: 1 new, 31 changed, 221126 unmodified",
"Dirs: 0 new, 62 changed, 61484 unmodified",
"Added to the repository: 16.484 MiB (1.772 MiB stored)",
"processed 221158 files, 24.368 GiB in 0:43",
"snapshot 217cbdf8 saved",
"C:\\ backup completed."
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
restic-host : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
In conclusion, Ansible and Restic complement each other exceptionally well, offering a robust and flexible solution for managing backups across diverse environments. Throughout this article, we’ve highlighted the essential steps to integrate these powerful tools, demonstrating their compatibility and ease of use together. While this article focused on direct interaction between Ansible and Restic, it’s worth noting that for those looking to further automate and scale their backup solutions, platforms such as Ansible AWX and Semaphore represent valuable options. Although exploring these automation platforms falls beyond the scope of this article, they underscore the potential for extending the capabilities of Ansible and Restic, reinforcing the seamless synergy between them for comprehensive backup management.